Configure application settings

  • BMS
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  • admin

To tailor our platform to your specific needs and preferences, we’ve made it easy to configure various settings that affect the overall performance and functionality of your business management system.

Application Settings

  1. Business Number: Enter your company’s unique identifier (e.g., VAT number or tax ID). This information will be displayed on reports and statements.
  2. Page Title: Customize the title that appears at the top of each page in our platform, helping you establish a consistent brand identity across all pages.
  3. Application Logo: Upload your company logo to display it prominently throughout the application, reinforcing your brand’s visual identity.

Communication Settings

  • Server Address: Enter the address of your email server (e.g.,
  • Port Number: Specify the port number used by your email server (typically 25 or587).
  • Username: Provide the username required to authenticate with your email server. d)
  • Password: Enter the password associated with your email server account.


  • Street Address: Enter your company’s street address.
  • City: Specify the city where your business is located.
  • State/Province: Select or enter the state/province where your business operates.
  • Postal Code/Zip Code: Provide the postal code or zip code associated with your business.

Localization and Date Format

  1. Language: Choose the language in which our platform will display text, including menus, reports, and error messages.
  2. Date Format: Customize the format used to display dates throughout the application (e.g., DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY).
  3. Decimal Separator: Specify the character used as a decimal separator for numerical values (e.g., . or ,).
  4. Thousand Separator: Choose the character used to separate thousands in numeric values (e.g., . or ,).

Save Your Changes

Once you’ve configured your application settings, click “Save” to apply these changes and ensure that they are reflected throughout our platform.

Remember to review this information regularly to ensure it remains accurate and up-to-date.

Author: admin
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